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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-7-27 10:35:21

King of Glory, also known as Honor of Kings or Arena of Valor, is a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Tencent Games. It has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide, creating a dynamic gaming community. If you’re looking to enhance your gameplay and communication skills in English while enjoying the game, here are some tips to help you on your journey.

Before delving into English communication within the game, it’s essential to have a strong grasp of the game mechanics and strategies. Familiarize yourself with different heroes, their roles, abilities, and how the game objectives work. This foundational knowledge will enable you to focus on improving your English while playing.

2. Language Settings and Regions

Most modern games, including King of Glory, offer language settings. Switching your game’s language to English can immerse you in the language and help you learn gaming-related vocabulary. Additionally, consider playing on English-speaking servers or regions. This way, you’ll be exposed to more English-speaking players, facilitating better communication.

3. In-Game Communication

King of Glory provides various communication tools, such as text chat, voice chat, and preset quick messages. Utilize these tools to communicate with your teammates effectively. Try to communicate in English as much as possible, even if it’s just using simple phrases initially. This practice will gradually build your confidence and vocabulary.

4. Use Gaming Forums and Communities

Engage in online gaming forums and communities focused on King of Glory. Participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing your experiences can help you connect with other players who are also interested in improving their English skills. These interactions provide a more relaxed environment for language practice.

5. Watch English Streams and Videos

Many gamers stream their King of Glory gameplay on platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Tune in to English-speaking streams or watch tutorial videos. Not only will you gain insights into gameplay strategies, but you’ll also get accustomed to hearing game-related terms and phrases in English.

6. Build a Gaming Vocabulary

Create a list of gaming-related vocabulary words and phrases in English. Include terms like “laning,” “ganking,” “jungling,” and hero names. Review and expand your vocabulary regularly. This will help you communicate more effectively and understand in-game instructions from your teammates.

7. Team Up with English Speakers

If possible, team up with English-speaking friends or players. Coordination and teamwork are crucial in King of Glory, and playing with English speakers will encourage you to communicate more in the language. Collaborating on strategies and discussing gameplay will enhance your skills and confidence.

8. Reflect and Improve

After each gaming session, take a moment to reflect on your communication efforts. What new vocabulary did you use? Were you able to convey your intentions clearly? Identify areas for improvement and set small language goals for your next sessions.


King of Glory offers not only an exciting gaming experience but also an opportunity to enhance your English skills. By combining your passion for gaming with language learning, you can make significant progress while having fun. Remember that improvement takes time, so stay patient and persistent as you embark on this rewarding journey.


